Activate the On Screen Keyboard in Mac OS X

On Screen Keyboard is a powerful tool for screencasters. And Mac OS X has built in On Screen Keyboard Application, This tutorial will show you how to turn on this feature.

To Turn on the On Screen Keyboard:

  • Go to System Preferences.
  • Click “International” Icons

  • Go to the Input Menu tab
  • Select your keyboard layout if you want to install additional language and keyboard layouts
  • Click Show input menu in menu bar checkbox, you should have an flag icon(depends on language you’ve selected) and then click Keyboard Viewer


  • you should see a keyboard viewer on your desktop that displays whatever your press on your keyboard.

You can make alias of this Keyboard Viewer, and put it in your /Application folder. Simply, just move the Application located in:


Paste it in your /Application folder(or wherever you like) and give it a nice icon ;) .

Anggie Sukarno

18 thoughts on “Activate the On Screen Keyboard in Mac OS X”

  1. Anggie, bole tanya soal mac ga?
    aku kan baru banget nih pake mac.
    kok kalo chat pake YM versi mac ga bisa video call sama YM versi windows ya?
    ada saran ga? hehe

    Thanks lhooo

  2. @Joanne:
    Boleh, sebenarnya bisa aja sih video call dari Yahoo Messenger versi Mac ke Yahoo Messenger versi Windows, cuma ya itu, agak sedikit bermasalah karena sampai tulisan ini dibuat, Yahoo Messenger for Mac itu masih versi beta(versi 3 klo ga salah), dan setahu aku ya, video call tu jalan kalau si lawannya pake YM 9 for Windows, dibawah itu, kadang bisa kadang error,hehe.. mungkin karena sistemnya masih beta, jadi belum sempurna..

    Sarannya, ya paling tunggu versi rilisnya,hehe.. aku jarang pake videocall di YM sih, biasa pake 3G :P

  3. Anggie, boleh nanya sekaliiii lagiii… yaaaa?
    ini aku merasa baterai mac ku kok lebih cepet hbs dari biasanya…
    gmn ya?
    apa ada yg salah?
    curiganya ada application yg running sampe membuat baterai cepat habis, taunya gimana ya?
    lalu sebenarnya gmn sih cara merawat baterai yg benar?
    boleh ga kalo lagi dipakai, trus di charge?
    lalu ada yg nyaranin kalo lagi di rumah baterai dilepas,lalu pake adaptor?
    tp kok aku rada takut ya lepas2 baterai, kalo laptop acer ku dulu kan gampang bongkar pasang baterai, kalo mac kok rasanya susah.

    hehehe sori kalo kebanyakan tanya… kamu buka konsultasi mac aja hehhehehe….


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